Order Status - as of - 12/21/20

Order Status - as of - 12/21/20

12/21/20 - I have officially ran out of supplies needed for the rest of the orders. I have all orders complete except 6 large orders. I am issuing a refund for remaining orders and will sending those out as soon as possible. If you have questions regarding a refund, please email me at iluv2checkmate@yahoo.com AJ The Candle Chef 

Thank you everyone for being patient while I worked on that huge amount of orders, and I am extremely sorry that I was not able to get to all of them.  

12/15/20 - Continuing to work on orders today, working on 85 3 inch pies, embeds, and small orders. I will start making all the drink candles next, about 40 to make. Thank you for your patience!

12/04/20 - 9am - Good Morning! I have been busy busy trying to get some back orders done along with getting all the auctions out from the Close out sale. I will be resuming full attention on back orders today as I am almost finished with getting the auctions out. If you guys purchased auction items I will be sending the remaining invoices and items out today. 

I ill be working on finishing orders 1327 / 1331 / 1340 today and shipping sorry for the delay but I had to do the auction to get some finances taken care of. Thank you and have a blessed day! AJ The Candle Chef

12/01/20 - Good morning! unfortunately with the amount of auctions going out yesterday I did not have a chance to complete the orders I wanted to so I will be working on those today - 1327 / 1331 / 1340 /  as soon as I am finished with these I will ship out tomorrow morning and then start on 1343 and 1344. I am going to have to order more gel wax and glasses for order 1345

11/30/20 - Good afternoon! I am currently working on getting some auctions cleaned and shipped and preparing for tonights auction. I will be working on orders - 1331 / 1327 / 1340 today and will be shipping in the morning. 

11/28/20 - Good Morning! I will be working on 1301, 1308, 1317, 1320 today. I am confident I can get these done today and shipped tomorrow. Stay tuned every morning for an update. 

11/28/20 - I have a market tomorrow, I will continue with orders on Monday morning.








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