The problem with made to order
I have decided to put custom orders on hold till I can figure out a way to double my production. Since I have launched July 1st I wanted to be known for being able to create just about anything food related and as a custom candle maker and DIY expert. Although I am pretty good at it, I am finding that I cannot keep up with the orders as fast as I want. I get orders for 5-10 silicone molds and sometimes up to 50 candles almost on a daily basis now. In 16 hours that I work I am only able to make 1-5 silicone molds, and roughly 10-20 candles depending on the difficulty and supplies. So logically I am only able to do this if I figure out a way to at least double my production. Which means more equipment, molds, storage ect. My house isnt that big, and pretty much every square inch is used for candles right now. I have hired a candle maker, stopped classes, and have hired someone to do the craft shows and markets for me so that I have more time to make candles, but it takes a lot of time to train them to make candles up to my standard. With all that thinking the only solution I can come up with is to put custom ordering on hold till I am able to either 1 triple my production by either getting more equipment, or finish training someone to do candles. If anyone knows of any other solution please feel free to comment below, I could use some help in this conundrum of mine! Thank you so much for reading, and I will chat with you in the next blog!
AJ The Candle Chef
1 comment
You are doing a FANTASTIC job. You’re only 1 person. Take your time. If people dont understand, THEN THATS TOOOOO FREAKEN BAD!!!! DO WHAT YOUR BODY AND MIND WILL ALLOW U 2 DO. GOD BLESS U. AND PLEASE B SAFE AND CAREFUL